This will be a regular post on the Studio Cabral blog.
I have so many things going on in my head that I have to put them down and share them with you good people.
- I love my job there is nothing in the whole world that I would rather do, I meet new people everyday, I'm inspired all the time to photograph and my hands are far too gentle to do any hard labour.
- Today the Toronto Blue Jays signed my all-time favourite baseball player "The Big Hurt" Frank Thomas. He signed for 20 million dollars and everybody is saying that it is too much. I say,who cares it's not your money. After this I'm off to the store for a Jays jersey with THOMAS on the back.
- This goes out to all the Ottawa Senator fans , whose team is suffering through a skid right now. I got an idea, tell all the NHL teams to wear Maple Leafs jersey's and maybe you guys can win.
- My favourite movie of all-time is "Notting Hill" and I'm not ashamed. There I said it.
- My boys the Toronto Raptors are not doing to well right now but mark my words this year they will make the play-offs. Book it!
- Just a thought, is O.J Simpson crazy!
- If I had money to throw away and I don't, I would find out what they put in Tim Horton's coffee. I know something's up, have you seen those lines.
- The greatest author off all time is Anne Rice, that's right kids Interview with the vampire was a book first.
- Tomorrow I will be first in line to see Casino Royale. YES!! James Bond's back baby.
Thanks all, till next time.