Our Daily Blog is sure to inspire, connect and share with all.
We are Wedding and Portrait Photographers serving the greater Toronto area and beyond. With a fresh storytelling approach. Because today's photos are tomorrows memories.
"We want to take pictures at a waterfall" is what Daniela & Paulo said. "Not a problem" we said. Then came the hike down a gorge and there wasn't a escalator to go back up. But all joking aside it makes for great pictures. Enjoy!
Like the Carpenters once sang "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down". Well we don't feel the same way. Why?... for one I have Mondays off and rain on a wedding day really makes for more fun and makes for cool reflections. Plus it's supposedly good luck for the bride and groom. Madalena and Jorge had the best attitude on their wedding day. Even though it was a rainy day and grey through the most part, you would never know it from them. They just said, hey it's our wedding day and smiled through out the whole day. Congratulations guys!
We always look for inspiration in movies and Casablanca is the ultimate movie for inspiration.The lighting in the movie is really well done even by today's standards. We can always find something in a scene that inspires us to come up with a different pose or a different way to light a photo. Even though I have watched Casablanca well over 20 times, I still find new ideas time and time again.
Last week was a busy one, everyday had at least one shoot. Be it engagement, wedding or portrait we did it last week. Not that we are complaining, but our blog did suffer and we are sorry. We promise it won't happen again.
Nynna & Brian's wedding is coming up in the next few weeks ( can't you see the excitement in their eyes ). So we thought we would share some of our favourite photos form their engagement session from last week.
Nothing says loving like Chinatown, don't you agree. Yesterday we headed down to Spadina and Dundas here in Toronto to take Caitlin & Tony's engagement session. They specifically told me they didn't want "normal" pictures. I think we pulled it off. But truth be told there is no such thing as normal anymore. We try to be different every time out.
This year Christmas comes early. On September 9 The Beatles rock band game will be released. I have already put my name on a list to be assured of a copy on that glorious day. In case you didn't know I am a massive Beatles fan, so this is the biggest thing to happen to me since birth (don't tell my wife). Check out the website for the game.
Here is a different engagement session. You will be seeing many like it from now on. We have a whole list of fresh new locations for our clients this year. The goal for us is to have fun on all of our sessions. Michelle & Richard had fun, I think you can tell. Except for the Black and White photo, that's the attitude shot.
Once and awhile a movie comes along that makes you think about things in a different way. This movie did that for me. I really loved the story and the acting was top notch. I could watch it over and over despite its 165 minute run time. I am also truly happy with the fact that about 2 minutes in I knew that the lady reading the story to her mother was the daughter of Daisy and Benjamin, sorry to ruin it for you. Anyways go and watch it.
If you are one of those who watch "Grey's Anatomy" on Thursday nights, you are missing out on a great show. "30 Rock" is by far the funniest show on TV right now. Alec Baldwin is great and I love Tina Fey as well. So on Thursday night if you get a chance to wrestle the remote from your wife and or girlfriend change the channel and watch "30 Rock" and forget about "McDreamy"
When we have the opportunity to photograph a couple who like to have fun with their engagement sessions we love it. It enables us to be creative and let the couple know that it isn't painful to have your photo taken. We really look forward to Kimberly and Joao's upcoming wedding in July.
Franz Ferdinand is by far my favourite band right now. This album rocks and is all I listen to while driving. My 2 favourites tracks are "Ulysses" and "No you girls". I also like the fact that they are named after the former Archduke of Austria whose assassination was the cause for World War 1. Don't you feel smarter knowing that.