Our Daily Blog is sure to inspire, connect and share with all.
We are Wedding and Portrait Photographers serving the greater Toronto area and beyond. With a fresh storytelling approach. Because today's photos are tomorrows memories.
In keeping with our goal of always finding unique locations for our clients, we give you an abandoned subway station. Located right here in the great city of Toronto, and all you need is a special key. We hope you love taking a look, just as much as we had photographing Daisy and Giancarlo.
We just got back from NYC, what a great city! Soooo much to do and sooo little time to get it all done. We managed to visit everything on our to do list's and saved time for some shopping and a Micheal Buble concert as well (which was the reason we went). Here are some pics, more to follow later this week.
We are looking for someone who is interested in learning photography. A student in college or high school (preferably) who is willing to give up their weekends. If you or someone you know is interested send us an email.
Why do I wear this shirt? - I like funny things. This shirt is funny. Best to wear in - The state of Massachusetts. Trust me they understand. Interesting side note - Try to wear this t-shirt at a spelling bee, you’ll get a few stares.
Last week we had the pleasure of being asked to photograph the Waterside Inn. This great hotel located in Mississauga has great character and plenty of stories told to us from their tremendous staff. I hope you enjoy viewing the interior of the hotel, just as much as we enjoyed photographing it.