- When entering the U.S.A there are a few things that are very important for you to know. It is a soda and not a pop. It's sneakers and not running shoes. You cannot find ketchup chips anywhere and to avoid embarrassment do not order a coffee the same way you order a coffee in Canada. I went to Dunkin Donuts and proceeded to order my usual coffee "I'll have a large double, double" I had to wait for 4 minutes for the girl to stop laughing at me. She thought I said gobble, gobble. Turns out it's a large extra, extra. Don't get me started on the sizes I thought she handed me a bucket of coffee not a large. Also they tend to tip drive thru? I know it took me awhile to figure that out too.
- Whenever I said I'm from Canada people would ask "how cold do your winter's get?" I would answer "So cold we can't even get our cars started and we have to stay all day in the igloo and when we really have to go out we hop on our polar bears". You can not imagine how many people believed me.
- If you ever find yourself in the New England area save yourself a lot trouble, pretend you like the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. Don't be stupid and wear a New York Yankee's hat. Trust me.
- The best part for me is the t-shirts. I bought a t-shirt that said "green monstah" on it. I'll give you a second, that's right it's supposed to say "Green Monster". I love the way certain words are pronounced. I say another t-shirt that said "I'm going to the pahk and play wicked hahd". Translation "I'm going to the park and play wicked hard"
- For you chourico lovers out there, wrap your brain around this one. They have chourico burgers. If that's not enough you can order chourico on your pizza. Crazy.
- For some giggles check out http://www.portuguesefireman.com/.
To fully understand you might have to be Portuguese
Finally the top 5 reasons
why I love the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
1- The Accents.
2- Signs and traffic signals are merely suggestions.
3- As a canadian it's like a 1/2 off beer sale everyday.
4- Salem , Massachusetts.
5 - Dunkin Donuts.
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