While sipping on my "Caffe Frapochino Grande" at Chapters yesterday I came across the book "Write it Down, Make it Happen" by Henriette Anne Klauser, Ph.D. I have not read it, but I did buy it and look forward to reading it. In the book from what I gather so far Klauser instructs her readers to write down their most extravagant wishes and, merely by the act of recording them, make them come true. She claims that the writings themselves are so powerful that they will influence external circumstances. The more attractive you make whatever you ambition, and the more you approach it in a spirit of fun, the more others will want to play along to make your dream a reality.I encourage everyone to do this when you have some free time and store it away in a safe place. When you go back to the list from time to time you might be surprised of the outcome.
I will post the best list I receive from all of you in a blog next week just email us info@studiocabral.com. So with no further delay here is my list.
Chris's Top 10 " Most Extravagant Wishes"
1 - Photograph a Wedding in Paris.
2 - Visit Transylvania on Halloween.
3 - Have a Photography Book Published.
4 - Go on a road trip across Canada and the U.S
in a Winnebago.
5 - Be the tour photographer for Oasis.
6 - Own a baby blue Lamborghini.
7 - Get interviewed on "The Hour" with
George Stroumboulopoulos.
8 - Back Pack across Europe.
9 - Be in attendance when the Maple Leafs
win the Stanley Cup.
10 - Win it all on a Reality TV show.
Remember, Extravagant means differt things to different people. So have fun and make your own list and store it for the future.
Not all of them, but some of those things can be accomplished. May your wishes come true!
Oh, you mean #9
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